Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Change Pirate Day 8: Post #11

Wiki's, in my opinion, are one of the coolest things ever on the internet!!
#16 So What’s in a Wiki?
1. For this discovery exercise, you are asked to take a look at some library wikis and blog about your finding.
I took a look at the Wiki for the 2009 Midwinter ALA conference, and I Loved the idea!
2. Create a blog post about your findings. What did you find interesting? What types of applications within libraries might work well with a wiki?
I really think that for event organization, the event-specific Wiki is absolutely fantastic for all those involved. It hink that would be an excellent format for even a library website, perhaps? Something that the librarians in the systemc ould change and edit, and the public search and view. I'd love to be a part of a project like that!

#17 Playing around with PBWiki
1. Access the PLCMC Learning 2.0 wiki and create a login account for yourself.
Done that! Once again, my only complaint about this 23 things is the ridiculous amount of new logins I have.

2. Add your blog to the Favorite Blogs page. That's how we'll know that you've been there.
I now exist on PBWikI!

3. Create a post in your blog about the experience.
I had some problems with the editing page, but I do like how it's almost an exact replica of posting in blogger with rich text! That makes it a very easy, interchangeable interface to use.
Personally, I was not fond of how they have their login ID set up. They're not so special they get to change terminology and expect people to NOT sit there going "....wha?"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

heh. it's amazing that you now exist. :p