Thing#18-Web-based Apps: They're not just for desktops
Discovery Exercise:
1. Create a free account for yourself in Zoho Writer or Google Docs
2. Explore the site and create a few test documents.
3. Try out Zoho Writer’s or Google Docs features and create a blog post about your discoveries.
I went ahead with Google Docs so I wouldn't have to create yet another login password. I'm afraid I'm going just a bit batty keeping track of all of these!
So far I absolutely love the simplicty of it, the basic format and layout that's easy to navigate, it's not cluttered, and it doesn't drive me crazy with all of it's gadgets and special ways of doing thigns. I like things simple, basic and clearcut, as practical as I can make them.
This will be wonderful for keeping track of my things from work to home and back to work again-particularly when I'm working on schoolwork and might hit up as many as three or four different locations in one day. THe basic formatting is great to be compatable with all sorts of formats and programs, and I can easily see myself transferring them from lj to gj to yahoo mail to word to publisher and back to google dogs, and then to lj again.
Huzzah for short story writing? Who knows!
Either way, I think this is one of the most useful tools that I've found so far in my own personal life as well as for versatility at work.
Thing#19-Discovering web 2.0 tools
Discovery Exercise:
1. Select any site/tool from the lists on Web 2.0 Awards or Recipes for Success. Explore the site you selected.
2. Create a post about your discovery. What did you like or dislike about the tool? What were the site’s useful features? Could you see any applications for its use in a library setting?
I looked through Recipes for Success and to my delight, there was Meebo and AOL Instant Messanger! These two are long time favorites of mine for distance communication or discussionw ith someone when I can't leave my desk at work. If I need to check in with a supervisor or doublecheck what time I'm scheduled to run up to someone's offie, I can always just drop a quick note and ask!
I would lvoe to be able to use it to successfully collaborate with other people at other branches who are on the same project as me, setting up times to discuss issues online and exchange ideas!
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