Monday, September 29, 2008

Change Pirate-Day 1

Let's face it, I've been blogging since...oh let's see, my first livejournal account in...2001? Seven years later, here I am at 21 finally writing my first blog about...a library, constant change, and my own grain in the sandcastle of the librarian world as it's changing rapidly in this modern day and age...
And I still have the same awful purple prose, it looks like, given my first journals at age fourteen, hovering over a computer in Wolf Point, Montana and looking furtively over my shoulder so my older sister didn't mock my angst.

However, on to the genuine matter at hand. I confess, I'm really in this for the gift card to Best Buy but now that I've actually got this little text box up, I can't resist the chance to ramble my own thoughts, ideas, and opinion on everything, as it seems we in the 21st century are wont to do in hopes that someone's going to pay attention to us.

Well, Test Post #1 should probably not get any longer, so I'll sign this off here and run around the site to explore options some more. This actually looks much more simple than lj or ij (Livejournal or Insanejournal), but it's going to have to be impressive to beat gj (RIP, Greatestjournal).

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