Discovery Exercise:
1. Play around with some image generators and find one that you like: Wordle is a lot of fun!
2. Post the result of your discovery process in your blog. Note: Be sure to include a link to the image generator itself, so other participants can discover it too.
This is being a bit of a hassle, but, I think I've got it now. Ugh. Here's a bit of a problem of being provided the precise code for something when you're using a rich text formatter for your blog.
Thing #11: Take a look at LibraryThing and catalog some of your favorite books
Discovery Exercise:
1. Take a look around LibraryThing and create an account.
2. Add a least 5 books to your library.
3. Blog about your findings and be sure to link to your LibraryThing catalog.
Okay, I'm starting to get pretty sick of having to create all these new accounts just to follow these instructions. I'mg oing to have so many accounts with so many things I rarely use by the time we're done! I can definitely see the use of this, though. Very, very nifty and I might actually keep up with this in my spare time...(-snort- spare time) Fortunately, it's very simple to use and basic to keep up with, a classy, basic layout that's easy to navigate.
My Catalog!
Thing #12: Roll your own search tool with Rollyo
1. Explore Rollyo and create an account for yourself.
2. Create a search roll for any subject you like.
3. Create a post in your blog about your experience and link to your search roll. Can you see a potential use for tools like this?
My search roll is added to the side of my page!
I love how simple this is to set up and add to wherever I need it. Still, I'm very familiar with google searching and yahoo searching so it's not too much of a convenience, since I like the variety and freedom that being able to do it myself allows instead of trusting or leaving it in the hands of narrowed search engine.
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