Discovery Exercise:
1. View one of the Discovery Resources listed above to get a good overview of the features in Delicious.
2. Take a look around Delicious using the PLCMCL2 account that was created for the original 23 Things exercise by Helene Blowers. Note: In this account you will find lots of resources that have been highlighted or used throughout the course of the Learning 2.0 program.
This was very helpful! I really appreciated being able to go through this lsit of links and have examples and suggestions and explanations listed as I read through.
3. Explore the site options and try clicking on a bookmark that has also been bookmarked by a lot of other users. Can you see the comments they added about this bookmark or the tags that they used to categorize this reference?
I did look through these bookmarks, it was yes, very nifty, but I'm not sure how much I really cared for it personally. Sometimes they're helpful, sometimes they're just clutter.
4. Create a blog post about your experience and thoughts about this tool. Can you see the potential of this tool for research assistance? Or just as an easy way to create bookmarks that can be accessed from anywhere?
"One site that she didn't mention that I like a whole lot is All Consuming, which lets you list, tag, and share items you are consuming (books, CDs, movies, etc.)." from here. I really think this would be fantastic for a library system like OPL with their staff and their patrons. I'd love to see what my fellow librarians in the system are reading or focusing,t he things they're learning! I also would love to see what the majority of our patrons are looking at. Statistics, numbers, charts and graphs are always fascinating for working out the demographics of who (and where these people are) is using the library. It would really help with planning programs for the next year! (I realize this is probably already done in some fashion, but it would be nice to have this available to lower staff in the system.
I'm not so sure I'm that fond of Delicious and how it organizes things, but I'm going to have to spend more time there. the cross-tagging and user-assigned tags are nifty, but... doesn't seem all that culturally and socially relevent for me personally and the things I keep track of online. I love the way the search tool is set up, but...I don't like the way the individual things are listed so haphazardly.
More thoughts to come.
1 comment:
I'm curious are is it delicious specifically that you had trouble with or is it folkonomy (social-tagging)?
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