I remember when my parents were traveling around America to raise support for going back overseas for their mission work, and my dad would always joke to audiences about how he believed computers were made for Bible Translation.
Before they had computers, my parents had to do Everything by hand. Keeping track of phonetics, keeping track of the words they'd learned handwritten phonetically and what they meant...since my parents knew that the language had never beenw ritten down, they had to make up an alphabet as they went, writing the language by phonetics and then making sure it was consistant each time...and if there was an incosistancy, make sure it wasn't just a different tense of the same word. All by hand. Then there was actually writing the bible translatioin down by hand. Each book of the bible...I think it was the book of either Mark or John that my dad rewrote over 7 times by hand because there were no computers to hit "copy-paste" with.
It seems like such a silly thing to be grateful for computers like this, but...I don't know. I'm pretty happy for them myself.
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