Week 9, Thing 22
#22 Media and Book Downloads (or "You are almost done!")
Discovery Exercise:
1. Choose one of the downloadable materials above, OverDrive, MyLibraryDV or TumbleBooks and try using it. It would be best to choose one you have not used. Try downloading and using the materials.
2. Blog about what you chose and why. Other questions do consider: did it work? Was it easy or was it frustrating to use? Are these good materials to offer at a library? Why or why not? Do you feel comfortable assisting patrons in using this format?
Well, I am attempting Tumblebooks, and so far this free trial registration is a pain in the neck, you feel like you're going in circles with no clear explanation as to how or why you're suppose to be clicking to all these different pages. Then when you finally get through the registration it doesn't give any explanation as to why it's taking you to the page, and there's no log-in link to log in onc eyou have your registration.
So now I sit and wait for the registration to go through.
Update: Logging in with the free trial allows me to listen to the book online, though I can't tell just yet if I can listen to the whole thing just yet. I can however buy the book online, that link takes me to another site that allows me to buy the audiobook, which in my opinion is a personal waste of my time. I would much rather just sit and listen to it online. Now that I listen to it (It does seem like I can listen to the whole thing) I wo uld actually really enjoy this!
As there is only a free 30 day trial, I cannot imagine many of our patrons wanting to use this on our computers. Those that would, I think this could be fantastic for them and I'd love to help assist them setting it up! I think this kind of thing Is fantastic to offer to our patrons, it'd be great if we had listening stations wehre people could listen to books we own, only the headphones would access a computer database instead of a clunky, much-more-breakable station where they had to handle the cd's themselves. A touchscreen of some kind would be wonderful to use with this sort of thing, much like those samples of cds you can listen to when at Wal-mart.